
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


Surfrider Foundation Hunter Region Branch volunteers are engaging with local Newcastle businesses through the Responsible Cafes program, which connects responsible cafes with conscious consumers by encouraging cafes to offer a discount to customers with reusable takeaway cups.
A coal port expansion proposal, known as Terminal Number 4 (T4), was put forward by Port Waratah Coal Services in Newcastle in early 2014...Local Surfrider representatives have taken part in ongoing community consultation processes, and delivered a submission requesting that the proposed terminal expansion include an environmental assessment, reporting on the impacts of the proposed coal terminal on Hunter beaches biodiversity.
A local group of the Move Beyond Coal campaign.
The Wilderness Society of NSW sprang up in the early 1980s. The Newcastle group branched out to dedicate itself to local and national campaigns. The community stands shoulder-to-shoulder to protect the places we love, seen here at Nobbys beach, Newcastle.
Transition Newcastle is part of the global Transition Network that is demonstrating that we do have choices. We’re a local group committed to fostering sustainable and resilient communities. Based in NSW.