
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


This is ACF's broader nuclear free campaign - "We want meaningful action to address our energy needs, based upon leaving uranium in the ground. We want the responsible management of existing radioactive waste and an active transition away from producing any more."
This campaign targeted Prime Minister Turnbull to enforce the Murray-Darling Basin Plan against "rogue irrigators and their political backers"
This is ACF's part of the broader Stop Adani campaign. ACF challenged the federal government’s approval of the Carmichael coal mine in court
"We must act now to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and limit further carbon increase. Reducing emissions will help stabilise global warming to allow our natural ecosystems to adapt... Our goal is to see Australia at the forefront of innovation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to reduce human impacts on our marine wildlife"
This campaign calls for the Australian government to implement strong laws on imported seafood.