
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


This campaing focused on the effects of coal mining in causing cracking of stream beds and under swamps, with water loss and pollution in several NSW drinking water catchments.
This campaign opposed the Kintyre uranium mine.
A campaign to stop a reduction in the Renewable Energy Target (RET). The RET is important because it encourages installation of renewable energy generation (such as hydro, wild and solar) both on a small (house rooftop) and industrial scale.
CAHA is part of the Lifeblood campaign to protect the Murray Darling Basin river system: our nation’s core artery of freshwater – our lifeblood... The development of the Murray Darling Basin Plan, to which the federal government has committed $12 billion, must include assisting communities to transition to ones in which there is sustainable use of water for social and economic purposes.
The national Say YES campaign aims to spread the appreciation of what renewable energy technologies can do and to measure public support for clean energy.