Group Status
Campaign Outcome
Target Type
Federal Electorates
Geographic Range
In May 2014 the Environment Centre NT and Beyond Nuclear Initiative launched a television and social media campaign to raise awareness of the risks that the Muckaty waste dump plan poses to the health of Northern Territory communities, workers, our waterways and the environment.
EmFSus is working with local and state government to remove bottled water from our township
This successful campaign opposed uranium mining inside Kakadu National Park.
Safe Climate is currently waging a "No New Coal" campaign. Launched on 10/10/10, it's a campaign to get 10,000 signatures on a petition and hold Ten Actions of different kinds in 10 weeks.
Following the Jan-Feb 2008 floods in the upper Nogoa River, levee banks at Ensham Mine, 35km east of Emerald, were overtopped and river water flooded into open cut pits at the mine... The TWG has now changed into the Fitzroy Water Quality Advisory Group (FWQAG) which will help manage water quality issues in the Fitzroy River basin. Our main role is to ensure that the recommendations of the two reports, etc, are implemented fully and not buried by the bureaucracy.