
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

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Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


Recently, the NSW government passed new laws that will unleash a wave of tree clearing across the state. Many of our most iconic animals like koalas, quolls and pygmy possums are already on the brink. Tell Premier Gladys Berejiklian: keep our endangered wildlife and their homes off limits from clearing!
The NSW Government must now realise that CSG has no future in this State and withdraw it's support for these projects. The media report it as a great victory for the opponents of CSG.
We are currently campaigning with the Western Australian Forest Alliance (WAFA) and The Wilderness Society (WA) to end logging of native forest in WA.
The Save Our Marine Life Collaboration is an unprecedented alliance of Australian and international conservation groups that have come together to seek the establishment of a network of large marine sanctuaries in the south west.
The latest actions about the Port expansion were in later 2016 as comments were invited for the Additional Environmental Impact Statement.