
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


In 2007, mining company Marathon Resources announced plans to mine uranium in Arkaroola. With the support of a broad cross section of the community and people from all political persuasions, the Wilderness Society campaigned to protect this amazing place since the moment bulldozers and drilling rigs arrived.
Designed to put the power back in the hands of the people, Movement For Life offers members and supporters the opportunity to empower themselves and others through training. Join a community of passionate local leaders and help us gather momentum for real environmental change.
We fought a hard fight against Gunns in stopping their proposed pulp mill – and won. Gunns is an example of what we can do together for our wilderness as we stand up against unsustainable businesses.
After years of campaigning, the community of Broome, local Indigenous groups, and people from all over Australia and the world breathed a collective sigh of relief when Woodside Petroleum pulled the pin on their destructive gas hub project planned for James Price Point in the Kimberley.
The Wilderness Society worked with the local community to protect Ningaloo and set a national precedent on marine conservation. The Ningaloo reef is unique in its beauty and diversity, but also in its closeness to shore, making it a special place where you can walk in on the beach, put your head under water and enter a 'marine rainforest'