
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


They want to put a gas hub through the worlds largest Humpback nursery! The Western Australian Government, headed up by WA Premier Colin Barnett is pushing ahead with gas factories at James Price Point, north of Broome on one of the world’s most pristine coastlines.
MRREC has been active in supporting Western Australia remaining GM free.
The logging of jarrah and marri trees in the Mowen Forest will affect threatened animal species such as the Forest Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo, Baudin's Cockatoo, Brush-tailed Phascogale, Orange-bellied Frog and the Quokka. In 2015 our group raised $110,000 in pledges to buy Mowen Forest from the State Government. A cheque was offered to the Premier but he declined to accept it. We also raised more than $10,000 in funds to support protestors who faced fines after participating in non- violent direct action. + visit the Save the Mowen Forest camp.
The Water Corporation planned to tap 45 gigalitres of water from the south-west Yarragadee aquifer due to Perth's depleted and decreasing water resources. MRREC members and local community played a huge role in getting this successful campaign running. The peak event of the campaign was a huge rally outside Western Australia's parliament house.
Promote public awareness and action in relation to climate change