
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


Transition Wyndham: Inspiring and collaborating with Wyndham communities toward a sustainable and resilient future. Part of the Transition movement. Based in VIC.
Trentham Sustainability Group (TSG) is made up of local residents taking positive action to reduce the impact of climate change and peak oil. Our goal is to inspire, inform and support our local community to meet their needs without compromising the needs of future generations. Based in VIC.
Transition Towns – BOQ is an initiative which brings neighbours together to support each other in reducing environmental impacts, by being more self-sufficient with food and energy production, while minimising waste. Part of the Transition Movement. Based in VIC.
Transition Town Kensington works as a platform to support bottom-up approaches which aim towards improving Kensington's overall self-sufficiency. Part of the Transition Movement. Based in VIC.
Beginning the journey to create a Transition Town Initiative in Maribyrnong. Let's get together to build a resilient and connected local community that thinks globally and acts neighbourly! Based in VIC.