
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


Less than 5% of the Tarkine is properly protected in a national park. The rest is open to mining and logging... We can gain formal protection for the Tarkine – as World Heritage, as conservation reserves and as Aboriginal land.
The TCT provided vital leadership in the successful campaign to stop the supertrawler Margiris and have the previous Federal government institute a two year ban on similar ships.
The TCT is focused on making broad and fundamental changes to how waste is managed in Tasmania. We lobby the state government, councils and regional waste management groups to set strategic direction and provide incentives for development of new ways to reuse, recycle and treat all waste streams.
Through our ‘Wildlife Matters’ program the TCT wants to educate the public on what they can do to protect wildlife, including practical tips on living with wildlife.
The Tasmanian Conservation Trust protects Tasmania's wildlife, ecosystems and natural landscapes.