
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


A climate action group based in Stirling.
Perth Rising Tide – a West Australian-based grassroots independent climate action collective. There are serious climate issues occurring within WA right now that require immediate grassroots action to aid their defence.
Rising Tide was one of the first grassroots climate groups in Australia. We are a rising tide of ordinary people, called by extraordinary times. We are a diverse movement demanding Australia honours our commitment to the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. We are prepared to take whatever peaceful actions within our power to defend the climate.
WA is facing a climate emergency and is the only state with rising emissions. Perth Climate Action Team brings the Perth (WA) community together in creative actions to speak out on the climate crisis and create the change we need.
No Fracking WAy demands a ban on fracking and unconventional gas in Western Australia. Unconventional gas includes shale gas, tight gas and coal seam gas (CSG).