
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


CCC continues to lobby the State and Federal Governments to reduce emissions targets and to focus less on carbon trading and more on the development of renewables and alternative energies.
Vegetation and land clearing is a complex issue for everyone. You need two permits for clearing remnant vegetation
Fifty-two percent or 4,000 hectares of Bimblebox will be cleared to make way for this massive open cut mine. The remainder of the Nature Refuge will be at risk of subsidence due to underground mining. This campaign calls on the State government to close an environmental offset "loophole".
This campaign focussed on protecting Bimblebox Nature Refuge (QLD) from mining. It also looked at broader protections "Thus our combined efforts to safeguard Bimblebox Nature Refuge need eventually to take this test case to the point where we achieve proper legislation that will protect all high biodiversity value areas in Queensland, not only National Parks."
We are present on Country because it always was and always will be our land. We are the W&J Nagana Yarrbayn Cultural Custodians: a group of self-determined W&J Traditional Owners who speak for Country and uphold the resolutions of our family council to protect our country from extractive industries. Based in QLD.