
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


Transition Dubbo is part of a global movement that aims to build sustainable communities and resilience through awareness raising, skills development and building networks between people where knowledge, time and resources are traded and shared. Based in NSW.
Save Our Recharge Environment – SORE for short is located in the Southern Recharge area of the Great Artesian Basin in the area between no water and the Surat GW source.
A community group formed to raise awareness in Gilgandra Shire about Coal Seam Gas (CSG). We are incredibly proud of our community and our region.
Knitting Nannas peacefully and productively protest against the destruction of our land, air, and water by corporations and/or individuals who seek profit and personal gain from the short-sighted and greedy plunder of our natural resources.
Knitting Nannas peacefully and productively protest against the destruction of our land, air, and water by corporations and/or individuals who seek profit and personal gain from the short-sighted and greedy plunder of our natural resources.