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Federal Electorates

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This unique and spectacular marine environment is under threat, with plans to turn the Great Australian Bight into an oil field. We’re taking it straight to the top, with a petition aimed at the Prime Minister calling on him to ban oil and gas development in the Great Australian Bight—now and into the future.
Much of the landscapes and diversity of life in the Great Australian Bight is unknown to the world. It is Sea Shepherd’s aim to showcase what we would all lose if BP were allowed to drill for oil in the Great Australian Bight and had another Gulf of Mexico, Deep Water Horizon oil spill of lesser or equal value.
BP are pushing to drill the Great Australian Bight. They will be the first of a wave of oil companies looking to expand the fossil fuel industry into the Bight, placing the pristine marine environment at risk.
BP's recent withdrawal from the Great Australian Bight is not the end of the fight and that the Great Australian Bight should be given permanent protection.
The Australian Marine Conservation Society is proud to be part of the Great Australian Bight Alliance of concerned community groups opposing the dangerous and damaging exploration and drilling for oil and gas.