
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


The proposed Great Forest National Park will allow the Mountain Ash forests of the Central Highlands to recover. The Park will also create new jobs and enterprises for regional communities in the Central Highlands.
The Great Western Woodlands is at risk of suffering a ‘death by a thousand cuts’ – largely due to the fact that most of it has no conservation status at all. Our vision for the Great Western Woodlands is a healthy, intact bioregion jointly managed by its Traditional Owners, valued by local communities and free from the threat of large-scale destructive development.
We fought a hard fight against Gunns in stopping their proposed pulp mill – and won. Gunns is an example of what we can do together for our wilderness as we stand up against unsustainable businesses.
The Tasmanian Conservation Trust protects Tasmania's wildlife, ecosystems and natural landscapes.
We are undertaking a court case to stop more than 1800 hectares of important native forest being cleared on private land near Ansons Bay, including nearly 500 hectares of the endangered Eucalyptus ovata forest