
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


This campaign's vision is to keep gas in the ground, ensure WA has strong climate legislation, and for WA to go beyond gas. The campaign/movement is a broader initiative of CCWA.
This campaign calls on the Victoria government to enact changes to rental rules to ensure safe, cool homes for renters.
Logging and mining are decimating Tassie's spectacular forests every day. We’ve lost too much ancient forest already. We know there is a better way to do business. Continuing down this path will only damage more irreplaceable forests and fail more local communities.
After decades of friction between forestry industry and conservation groups, a real path forward for Tassie’s beautiful and controversial native forests was finally realised... the legislation was passed in early 2013 and will deliver formal protection for new national parks and reserves in Tasmania in an area covering over 500,000 hectares
The proposed Great Forest National Park will allow the Mountain Ash forests of the Central Highlands to recover. The Park will also create new jobs and enterprises for regional communities in the Central Highlands.