
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


A group of individuals working to raise awareness of the modern challenges facing our community, including Peak Oil, Climate Change, and Financial Uncertainty so that we may all enjoy a prosperous future even as living costs rise beyond our budgets. Based in TAS. Part of the Transition movement.
Part of the Transition movement, based in TAS. Bringing people together to build stronger communities and a sustainable future. Transition is a local, community-inspired, creative and ever evolving, place- specific/relevant and ‘bottom-up’ movement for change.
The George River is the largest river that flows off Tasmania's east coast. With a total length of approximately 50 km the George rises on the slopes of Mt's. Albert and Victoria, Rattler Range, Star of Peace and the Blue Tier and flows into Georges Bay just north of St. Helens.