
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


Campaigned successfully with other like minded groups against the Prime Minister’s stated aim of handing over its responsibilities under its principal environment law, the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act to State Governments. Campaigned sucessfully against allowing Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) for native forests.
With climate change well underway and the North Queensland economy in trouble, there has never been a better time to begin the renewable transition to renewable energies.
We're ramping up our campaign to keep coal mines and coal seam gas (CSG) out of our Scenic Rim. Encourage people to vote to keep their streets, localities, villages and towns Coal and CSG Free. The results are transparent, conclusive and above board - concrete, irrefutable proof that we do not want to live with coal mines and CSG production. The Coal/CSG Free Declaration might not be legally enforceable, but it gives our Council and local members an overwhelming mandate.
This campaign focuses on ensuring the Murray-Darling Basin Plan delivered on its promise to protect the Murray-Darling Basin - particularly against lobby groups.
Last weekend’s king tides totally inundated the proposed coal export terminals in the Fitzroy delta. Aerial photographs clearly show both the proposed Fitzroy Terminal and Xstrata terminal sites covered by the ocean, leaving only the tops of the highest mangroves exposed... Capricorn Conservation Council (CCC) opposes Xstrata’s plans for the industrial development of Balaclava Island for a coal export facility in the Fitzroy River Delta on environmental grounds.