
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


This campaign to make one million homes more energy and water efficient.
Our Reclaim Victoria’s Environment campaign was set up in response to the previous Baillieu Government’s unprecedented attacks on our environment. We realised it wasn’t enough to run individual campaigns – we also needed a strategy to build support in key areas that determine the outcome of every state and federal election.
Campaign goals is to set minimum standards for efficiency, health and security that all rental properties need to meet before they can be leased
Replace Hazelwood: Environment Victoria successfully campaigned for the federal government to commit to retiring 2000 megawatts of Australia’s most polluting coal-fired power as part of the carbon price package. Unfortunately, in September 2012, the federal government walked away this commitment, dashing our hopes to have a clear closing date for Hazelwood.
In the lead-up to the 2014 state election, ordinary people around Victoria stepped up to make our environment a key issue for voters, through door-knocking, phone calling, flyering and stalls.