
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


After a ten year campaign the NSW State Government announced in May 2010, they could NOT proceed with their plans to operate an open cut coal mine. However, the decision only referred to an open cut mine. NOT an underground mine. In February 2012, Bickham Coal Company announced plans to investigate underground mining.
While the TCT’s goal is to stop the mill rather than bring down a company, this certainly has deterred any other investor from coming forward.
We have been campaigning for the Van Deimen's Land Dairy company to abandon its plans to clear nearly 2000 hectares of native forest on its property at Woolnorth.
Nearly 300 000 native animals are killed on Tasmanian roads every year, and on average, you only have to drive 3km to see roadkill. Of this terrible toll, over 3000 Tasmanian Devils are getting hit and killed.
The TCT provided vital leadership in the successful campaign to stop the supertrawler Margiris and have the previous Federal government institute a two year ban on similar ships.