
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


This successful 2019-2020 campaign called for the ACT government to stop new gas connections and set a timeline to phase-out gas from Canberra homes and businesses.
This campaign pushed for more sustainable transport options in ACT.
This campaign aimed to continue ACT's leadership in climate policy asking leaders to: bringing forward our zero net emissions target from 2050 to 2040, 100% renewable energy for electricity by 2020, interim target reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% by 2030, complete ACT Government divestment in fossil fuels by 2018.
ACT Minister for the Environment, Simon Corbell MLA, signed a new bilateral agreement with Greg Hunt, Federal Minister for the Environment, to streamline ‘the environmental assessment process in the ACT through the Australian Government’s ‘One-Stop Shop’ policy.’ The Conservation Council ACT is strongly opposed to these bilateral agreements and has launched a public petition to remind the ACT Government that environmental approvals should be kept at the federal level.
This campaign aims to make Canberra the first major Australian city to require 24 hour cat containment.